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all of the selections for winter were pulled from the Rolling Stone’s “50 best albums of 2021” with the hopes of catching gems I missed from the last year. I’m already a bit behind (what’s new) so I’ll be listening to a few albums in one go, but after my catch up I expect to adhere to the 1 album = 1 week


2022 albums

→ spring

my album exploration project really got put on pause with the ~robotics season~. I’m probably not going to set any goals here since I’m so horrendously behind on the winter ones, but hopefully I can use this season to catch up and simply listen to any new albums that come out that intrigue me


Untitled Database



Untitled Database



Untitled Database

completed gallery

welcome to the completed gallery! each card shows the name, artist, length, date listened, genres, rating, and the listening season. clicking on a card will show any thoughts I had about the album while listening and maybe a final review. not entirely sure what I want the format to be but stay tuned!!

2022 albums

data collection

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